Monday, December 15, 2008

When is the BEST time to fall in love?

I remember when i was a lot younger, mom said to us..."you girls are too young to be in love..."

Just over a year ago... I overheard my mom telling her sis (my auntie who was in her late 50's) that she was simply too old to be in love.

Is there a perfect age to fall in love?
And if you were to fall in love when you're at that age does that mean a happy ever after?

What about what is the perfect age of the person you should fall in love with? Should the person be older...? Or younger? And when there is a certain age gap between two people, when is it we can stop worrying about being a paedophile?

sigh... as if love is not complicated enough as it is.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Life's passing memory of Lum Jun Munn

I will remember
Your Colgate smile
Your quirky humor
Your cynical views
Your annoying laugh
Your bashful moments
Your rebellious arguments
Your kind eyes

but most of all
I will remember you
for making me realise
the joys of being a lecturer.